Anna's Best Gulasch mit Stock

7.50 CHF|400g

Anna's Best Gulasch mit Stock

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3 questions

2 years ago

Please add a few more rüabli in sauce and meat Thank you. these,

2 years ago

Hello rollimaus, thank you very much for your input. We will be happy to pass this on to the relevant specialist. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

3 years ago

Couldn't you just sell the goulash? Then you wouldn't have such large packaging to dispose of and everyone could choose their own side dish.

3 years ago

Hello Kafioma, thank you for your product request. The specialist department has informed us that we will be launching two similar articles at the beginning of 2022. So you can stay tuned! Best regards, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

Hello M-Infoline, are the two products already on sale?

2 years ago

Hello Kafioma, thank you for your inquiry. The products were about to be launched on the market. Unfortunately, there were problems with the system during production. This must now be rectified first, so a launch date has not yet been set. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

Hello M-Infoline, has production now started?

2 years ago

Hello Kafioma, thank you for your question. There are two products planned without side dishes, which are braised. One of them is actually a goulash. The original launch was planned for February 2022. Unfortunately, we had to realize that we cannot fill the raw meat. Due to the investment process and delivery process, the launch of the products has therefore been postponed until October. These are the following items: Slow Cooked Coq au vin, item no.: 1305.435.00000 and Slow Cooked Szegediner Goulash, item no. 1305.436.00000. Kind regards, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

Thank you, will they also be available in the small stores?

2 years ago

Hello Kafioma, no, unfortunately not. It will be available in medium-sized and larger stores. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

6 years ago

Why can't this otherwise wonderful product be produced without the following ingredients? Skimmed milk powder, caramel sugar syrup, garlic

6 years ago

Hello Zwiby65, thank you for your patience. The skimmed milk powder is part of the potato stock, or rather the flakes. The caramelized sugar syrup and garlic are added for recipe reasons. Best regards, your M-Infoline team