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4 questions

4 weeks ago

Can the container be locked?

Hello Pepe1 Thank you for your question. This mobile pedestal does not have a built-in locking function. There are various ways of retrofitting a lock. The simplest method is a chain with a padlock that is passed through the handles. However, there are also locks that can be fitted, but these require holes to be drilled in the garbage can and the lid. At the moment we do not have such a lock in our range. We hope that we have been able to help you with this information. Your Migros specialist store team

1 year ago

Is it possible to know how many kilograms this container can bear? Even leaving it stationary, without moving it with wheels. Is it possible to fill it with sand/gravel? Thank you

1 year ago

How do I get the rollers off again? I fitted the axle through the wrong hole!

1 year ago

How do I get the rollers off again? I mounted the axle through the wrong hole! :-(

1 year ago

We have done it with these instructions. page 6+7 https://www.plasteelaste.de/media/pdf/66/9e/4d/mon_mgb60_240_raeder_deckel_d.pdf

1 year ago

Perfect! I would never have thought of that now. Many thanks @Chlini6 :-)