Milch halbentrahmt IP-SUISSE aha!

  • Label: aha!
  • Label: IP-SUISSE
2.10 CHF|1l

Milch halbentrahmt IP-SUISSE aha!

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4.61272 ratings

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«Customers consistently praise this laktosefreie milk for its excellent taste and digestibility, often noting it as their favorite option. While some find it slightly sweeter than regular milk and mention the high price, the overall sentiment remains very positive, with many expressing satisfaction with its quality and long shelf life.»

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1272 ratings

tried, tastes good

Good taste

Duper for lactose

The best lactose-free milk on the market

Very good but slightly high price

Good taste, good price

Very digestible , good and practical in use with its freshness-saving lid

Great!!! But how much it costs!

Gu for lactose intolerant people

Slightly sweet, also perfect for foaming