Migipedia painting work soon to be completed

Migipedia-Malerarbeiten bald abgeschlossen

1 year ago


It's been a good three months since I first told you about the new look for Migipedia and was able to introduce you to the preview function for two pages. I'm delighted to be able to present you with more pages in the new look: "Rate", "Test", "Discuss", the activity stream and the community profile pages are ready for you. Again, you can access the new pages from the current pages by clicking on the orange "Preview" button.A brief introduction to the new Migipedia pagesLet me take a quick look at the new pages. Of course, the "Rate" section focuses on product ratings. If you are logged in and have linked Cumulus to your profile, you can see the products you have recently purchased. We list all your purchases that you have not yet rated - provided we have the data available. The orange circle shows how many products you could still rate. A blue dot in the navigation marks "Test" if there is a new product test that you have not yet seen. You can also view "Discuss", the Migipedia forum, in its new look. On the overview page, you will notice that elements such as the forum search or the filters are positioned differently. If you can't find the forum categories straight away, simply click on "Filter". The module will open and will also be open on your next visit. All the functions you know from the current forum are still available to you. However, to create more space, we have hidden the report and copy functions behind the three dots on the right-hand side. The filter functions are also collapsed in the Activitystream on the first visit. And here too: open them once and they will be open the next time you visit. Last but not least, the community profile pages can now also be accessed in the new look. Here too: new look, same functions. And now we are looking forward to your feedback. You are welcome to visit the new page types. You will find the feedback forms at the top left of the Migipedia logo.75% think the new pages are better or much betterThe Migipedia home page and the product detail pages have already been available to you as a preview for three months. Many of you have taken the opportunity to give us feedback on the new look. 75% of you thought the new pages were either better or much better. And if we also count the votes that think the new pages are about as good, then we're at 92%. Wow, a result we didn't expect. After all, everything new is worse at first 😉 Seriously now, we have of course also evaluated the feedback from all those who find the new look worse or much worse. The fact that there is no longer a so-called dark mode was rated negatively several times. Good news: Dark mode is now back on the Migipedia preview. Thank you all for your valuable feedback and the positive feedback that has confirmed and motivated us in recent weeks. Thanks to your feedback, we will soon be able to complete the Migipedia paintwork and provide you with a completely revamped community platform. Best regards and with great anticipation, Philipp
