M-Classic Paprika Edelsüss

1.40 CHF|95g

M-Classic Paprika Edelsüss

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4 questions

2 weeks ago

Is this spice hotter than the spice from Zweifel Paprika?

1 week ago

Hello Michi2000, thank you for your question. This spice is not hot, otherwise it would have to be declared as such. It is therefore a mild spice. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

4 months ago

The product cannot be used without the sprinkling insert! Also for curry, garlic ect. I am also in favor of saving plastic! But this is a case of saving in the wrong place! If this is really about environmental protection, which I don't believe, then sell the spreading inserts separately. Then you can buy a new one when the old one is broken after maybe 10 glasses or has been thrown away by mistake. This is just impractical and annoying.

4 months ago

Hello cobu72, thank you for a question. We have only made a design adjustment to the product. The item no longer had a spreader insert even before the design change. We would be happy to forward your request to buy a spreader insert separately to our specialist department. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

4 months ago

That's exactly the problem. If you want to season something with it, you need a sieve. I carefully tried it without and suddenly there was too much in it and the whole meal was dead and therefore inedible. It's just pure nonsense to save on something that's important but then sell plastic shakers like the ones I have the salt in or sell other things where there's too much plastic that nobody needs anyway. Well, I've had so much trouble with migros lately that I don't wonder about anything at migros anymore. migros has a logic that nobody understands or can understand anymore anyway

4 months ago

It doesn't matter whether the sprinkling insert was removed before or after the design changes, you simply need it! Yes, I took the liberty of buying some peppers somewhere else in between and therefore didn't notice it immediately.

7 months ago

Has this paprika changed? It doesn't seem to be the same one we've had all these years.

7 months ago

Hello PrincessErika, thank you for your request. There have been no changes to the recipe. We have simply rebranded this item as M-Classic. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

9 months ago

New label on the large paprika powder M-Classic jar Ok.... But absolutely no understanding, the sprinkle lid on the jar is missing???? Hope it's a production error!

9 months ago

Hello joya03, thank you for your message. The product is indeed equipped without a spreading lid. However, as we understand your objections, we are currently looking into possible adjustments. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

9 months ago


Good day, yes I very much hope it will be available again with the sprinkle lid, otherwise I find it a very illogical thing and simply incomprehensible!!! I have also heard from others that it is totally stupid. Let's see if it will be changed, unfortunately I don't think so. If not I will unfortunately have to buy the paprika somewhere else.

8 months ago

The same with the curry, for me it is incomprehensible that this is simply left out! Even if it is plastic and you want to look after the environment, this litter lid just makes sense!!!

8 months ago


You can save on plastic in many other things.....but it makes absolutely no sense when it comes to seasoning!!!

8 months ago

Hello everyone, thank you for your feedback. For environmental reasons, we do not use a dosing cap for the large jars. This was already the case before we switched to the M-Classic brand. This allows us to save a larger amount of plastic. best regards, your M-Infoline team

7 months ago


Hello everyone, I just wanted to post the paprika here and I see that it was already discussed 2 months ago and I had bought the paprika powder on 7.11.2023 and as I read they seem to want to try to change it but if the entry is already 2 months old I don't think it will change and then I won't be the only one as I have read who MUST buy the paprika elsewhere in the future because Migros is doing such nonsense. I keep saying that it's getting worse and worse at Migros. You have to complain all the time and more and more often, which was never the case before because everything was great and now there's one stupid thing after the next which is slowly but surely just annoying and irritating. why should I buy the powder in Migros now if there isn't even a sprinkling attachment? I only ever want a little bit in my food and not half the jar. Then apparently you're supposed to buy an extra sprinkler in Migros or what? for something like that? seriously? that's really unacceptable. Then they come along with their plastic-saving madness but sell food like the bags of Kellogs that have too much plastic in them. If you have to buy a shaker then it's also made of plastic because I have a shaker from Migros and it's made of plastic but it's clear that you want to save plastic with a shaker lid like that. With nonsense like that, I really don't have any more understanding for it. The most important thing is that you leave out parts for such glasses but don't lower the prices but continue to screw the lid on. you can just shake your head at such crap.

7 months ago

Hello ghostvampira, as previously stated, we do not use a dosing cap for large jars for environmental reasons. We will gladly take your feedback on board. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

7 months ago

Hello Infoline Yes, I've already read that, but like everyone else I'm going to buy the product somewhere else. I'm not going to buy another shaker from them that's made of plastic, that's just stupid and pointless. Aldi and co also have options that don't involve such nonsense. buying several small jars is also nonsense because you produce even more plastic than if you had a sieve on a large jar. You don't have to understand Migros' logic and it's getting more and more stupid. With something like this, you shouldn't be surprised when customers run away

7 months ago

For environmental reasons? The most popular excuse in 2023 😂 But handing out heaps of plastic waste at Spinmania.

7 months ago

that's exactly how i see it too. i mean the sieves are on the small jars. if i buy 4 or 5 jars of them now, i certainly don't have less plastic in the garbage, rather more, so it's also pure nonsense. if i need the strainer for that i have to buy something made of plastic or buy more small jars where there is more waste of glass and plastic so in my eyes that is really more plastic waste produced than if you put one on the big jar where the contents of the jar take longer to empty. they have a bird really :-D i say the logic of Migros does not have to understand anyone