M-Classic Kochbutter

  • Label: Swissness
3.75 CHF|250g

M-Classic Kochbutter

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12 questions

5 months ago

Dear M-Team I have noticed that the M-Classic cooking butter (see picture) does not state on the packaging or in the online store which milk the butter is made from. Shouldn't this be stated more clearly? It just says: Butter made from 82% milk fat. Additional questions: Has this cooked butter been pasteurized? And can the production from raw milk be ruled out 100%, i.e. is it also safe for pregnant women? Best regards and many thanks for your prompt reply. Rik

5 months ago

Hello Rik, if "milk" is mentioned, it is always cow's milk. Otherwise, the animal species must be specified. Cooking butter is produced from pasteurized cream and is not a problem for pregnant women. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

5 months ago

Thank you for your answer, but I still have one question: Why is the information "produced from pasteurized cream" not declared on the packaging of M-Classic cooking butter? As is generally known, this must be done for every dairy product. The type of production is clearly declared for standard cooking butter, e.g. "Die Butter". Why not with M-Classic cooked butter? Doesn't everything always have to be clearly declared as to how the milk was processed? Best regards and thank you for your efforts! Rik

5 months ago

Hello Rik, we were happy to pass on your input to our manufacturer. Here is the answer: We have checked the request and can confirm that the information "made from pasteurized cream" is indeed missing from the declaration and should actually be stated. We will amend the declaration accordingly. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

7 months ago

The butter from M-Classic has a Swiss cross on the packaging, but somehow it doesn't say where the cream is from. Who can answer that for me?

7 months ago


Hello Risla, as the Swiss cross is visible on the article, the butter/cream must be from Switzerland. This means that the cream comes from Switzerland. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

9 months ago

Why does the butter have new packaging? It keeps opening up at the sides in the fridge.

9 months ago

Hello patrickpeyer, thank you for your question. We have decided that the best solution for visual, practical and ecological reasons is to use a butter film made of polyethylene. This is naturally less flexible than the previous aluminum foil - but protects the product just as well. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

9 months ago

Not true at all, the butter keeps rising in the fridge and turns yellow and rancid.

1 year ago

If there is an S next to the date, does that mean that this butter comes from Sweden?

1 year ago

Hello cobu72, thank you for your question. The S next to the date stands for a production code, which refers to our machine operator. However, the letter has nothing to do with the origin. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

1 year ago

What does modeled mean in Switzerland?

1 year ago

This means that it was formed from large blocks with a machine into 250g Mödeli (blocks) and baked.

1 year ago

Hello Kafioma, thank you for your inquiry. Here is an interesting article that will answer your question and provide you with more information. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

1 year ago

Why does Migros import EU butter? 2 years ago, you said it was temporary! Today we can see that's a lie: it's been imported butter for 2 years.

1 year ago

Due to the lockdown they had to import butter, other producers bought the butter in Switzerland and it has stayed that way until now. You could probably use Swiss butter, but it would be more expensive.

1 year ago

Hello zatimi, thank you very much for your question. Two years ago, Switzerland already experienced a butter shortage, which led us to resort temporarily to imported butter. But we were then able to switch back to Swiss butter. Unfortunately, a new shortage occurred in the second half of 2022, leading us to resort to EU butter again from August 1, 2022. From May 1, 2023, we will be able to switch back to Swiss butter, as the availability of the raw material has improved. Sincerely, your M-Infoline team

2 years ago

Hello What is the difference with the more expensive cooking butter?

2 years ago

Hello. For my taste, this is butter for cooking and not for sandwiches, for example, because it's a Classico. But there's nothing to stop you using it as you wish.

2 years ago

Hello Mone56, the product "Le Beurre" is protected by the sector organization for butter. It contains 95% premium butter, which indicates the high quality of this product. It is generally made from Swiss raw materials. If these are in short supply, we may have to switch to imported butter. Cooking butter is not protected by the organization. Wherever possible, it is also made from Swiss raw materials. Cooking butter is Migros' own brand, and is therefore only available from us. For cooking butter, we use, for example, surplus table butter that we have frozen for later use. Unlike the branded product, we do not take any communication measures to promote this item. This is why we are able to offer the kitchen butter at a lower price. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

4 years ago

Dear MIGROS, What's going on? Recently I had a cooked butter in front of me with the glue - shortage of raw materials production country temporarily EU. Do we have too few dairy cows in Switzerland ???

4 years ago

Hello Testi14, thank you for your message about the cooking butter. The availability of butter and cream was indeed scarce. In order to have sufficient stock during the Christmas period, we sold imported cooking butter for 3 to 4 weeks. We therefore declared this on the packaging with a sticker. However, the other butter products are from Switzerland. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

1 year ago

Why is it still EU butter, but now without glue???

1 year ago

Hello zatimi, thank you very much for your post. There was a butter shortage in Switzerland two years ago, so we temporarily switched to imported butter. However, we were then able to switch back to Swiss butter. Unfortunately, there was another shortage in the second half of 2022, which prompted us to switch back to EU butter on 01.08.23. We only put the sticker mentioned above on the 4-pack promotion pack, as otherwise the origin is not clear. The origin of the individual item is printed directly on the packaging. As of 01.05.2023, we will be able to switch back to Swiss butter as the availability of raw materials has improved. Best regards, your M-Infoline team

6 years ago

Hello, is this butter made from pasteurized cream?

6 years ago

Hi Greg-gonzal, thank you for your question. Yes, the cream is pasteurized. Best regards, your M-Infoline team


7 years ago

Hello, the product was made in Switzerland, but where does the cream come from?

7 years ago

Dear alien45, thank you for your question. The cream also comes from Switzerland. Best regards, your M-Infoline team