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11 years ago, i explained why unsweetened condensed milk in a tube meets a real customer need. migros marketing saw this differently and obviously still does. for 11 years, migros marketing has been aware of a customer need for a product that is not available in any store. how are customers supposed to prove through their purchases that the unsweetened condensed milk in the tube meets a greater need than the same product in the can, which is more impractical for the consumer because the contents cannot be divided into portions over a certain period of time and the can is probably more harmful to the environment than the tube. please don't tell me that consumer behavior has not changed in 11 years.
Hello Gundelianer, thank you for your contribution. We always refer to market analyses. There are currently no plans to offer the requested item again. We will be happy to consider your suggestion again when we revise our range in the future. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
sorry guys. your answer is as incompetent as when a teetotaler who has never had a sip of alcohol explains to me what a glass of wine tastes like🙁
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Why isn't unsweetened condensed milk available in a tube? That would be more practical than in a can, which can no longer be sealed.
Hello Kondensi, thank you for your inquiry. So far, the can has worked well. This does not mean that we are not open to suggestions. Your idea has been submitted to our specialist department accordingly. The department heads will be happy to discuss it as part of the next packaging revision. Kind regards, your M-Infoline team
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Is this no longer available to buy in stores? For several months now, the stock has been empty according to availability at several stores in the area
Hello Brackerli, the unsweetened condensed milk is currently only available in a few selected stores. However, we have recognized that demand is higher. We are therefore planning to introduce this product in several stores next year. There is no exact timetable. However, you can check availability online. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Is it only available online or is it also available in larger stores?
Hello Finimo, thank you for your question. This condensed milk is also available in our stores. You can check availability in your area directly at https://www.migros.ch/de/product/150111000000. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Would be more practical to use in a tube
Hello indios, thank you for your feedback. The relevant specialist department has been informed about your tip. Best regards, your M-Infoline team
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Hello, Just out of curiosity, I would like to know what country the milk base for this product comes from, as well as the conditions in which the cows supplying the main ingredient live (outdoor, indoor, etc...). Thank you.
Hello Alison, thank you for your interest. The milk we use comes mainly from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. However, it can also be sourced from other parts of the EU. Our independent farmers are committed to respecting European/German animal protection laws and regulations. Our milk suppliers are also committed to the "GQ lait" quality management program. This program is based on well-defined categories and includes requirements in terms of breeding and production conditions for milk producers. It covers the following areas: - Animal health and welfare - Identification and registration of the animal population - Milk processing and storage - Use of pharmaceutical products - Environmental aspects Other requirements of the "GQ lait" program concerning the keeping of animals include sufficient, clean and dry space for the cows with sufficient light, as well as a barn with the possibility of going out into the meadow. Our independent farmers are responsible for the frequency and time spent in the barn / access to the meadow for dairy cows. We hope you find this information useful, and wish you a good day. Dein M-Infoline Team
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Hello, does this condensed milk have to be thick? I bought a can of it last week thinking it would thicken a sauce (following a recipe to the letter) but when I opened the can, I immediately knew that my sauce would never be thick. Is this normal? Following the recipe, it was written to heat it but my sauce curdled. Is it possible to heat it? Is it possible to heat it? I'm disappointed with the result of this product compared with what the recipe said. What's the difference between sweetened condensed milk (which is obviously sweet) and condensed milk? It's not very clear apart from the sweetness. Thank you in advance for your answers. Best regards. T. Sunier