Kondensmilch ungezuckert

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Summarized ...
«Customers generally appreciate the product for its versatility in cooking and baking, with many highlighting its excellent taste and texture. Some reviews mention concerns about sweetness levels and consistency, with a few preferring other brands. Overall, the product receives positive feedback and is considered a staple in many households.»
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50 ratings
Carageenan. May cause blood cancer. See ingredients list and find out for yourself.
I won't be buying it again, I only saw the animal welfare information when I got home. The milk has a very thin consistency.
Basic product for a good dessert
Should also be available in the tube
Very good for eggnog😁😋😉
Too bad the sweetened one is only available in tube
Good, but sometimes it's just that the expiry date is still a long way off.
Ideal for baking
For cooking, pastry and chocolate, it's ideal.
Resealable can would be great