Hamlet Chocola's Choc

4.95 CHF|125g

Hamlet Chocola's Choc

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3.420 ratings

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«Customers generally enjoy the taste of the product but find it too expensive. Some customers miss a previous version of the product that was vegan. There are also mixed feelings about the product's packaging and its ecological impact.»

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20 ratings

3 weeks ago

Mega fine. Our favorite

2 months ago

Very good. Price at the limit. Almost 100% cheaper in Germany, too bad not all stores carry it.

11 months ago

I don't think this product knows what it is. I don't like it.

last year

I love the thin chocolate chips

4 years ago

Very fine taste


8 years ago

But I don't understand the point of a product like this...

10 years ago

They used to be available with dark chocolate, so they were vegan. Why are they no longer available? Or are they being reintroduced?

10 years ago

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12 years ago

they didn't convince me, the chocolate tastes cheap


13 years ago

Great taste, super nibble factor... but unfortunately very expensive when you consider how little is in it, or how cheap chocolate is today... M-Budget chocolate melting and spreading on baking paper is much cheaper, with the same nibbling effect...