Frey Extra Milchschokolade
Brand: Frey

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6 questions
Hello, the description indicates a cocoa content (total) of at least 31%. So I was wondering: is the amount of "cocoa paste" considered confidential information in the recipe? (I assume it is, but if not I'd be curious to know the exact percentage).
Hello MrZ, and thank you for your question. Unfortunately, we can't give you the exact percentages of the various ingredients. These are subject to manufacturing secrecy. We therefore cannot give precise information on the cocoa mass content of chocolate. Thank you for your understanding. Yourssincerely, the M-Infoline team
A few trade secrets seem perfectly natural to me! 😊 Thank you for your clarification.
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Why are the ingredients for each product not visible here on migipedia? Also missing at the top of the list (at registration etc.) is a field for a simple, quick direct search to find and rate another product!

Hello Migros,
what is the difference between this chocolate and the M-Classic chocolate I bought today for 55 centimes? (Apart from the fact that the price is over three times as high)
I could only find 2% more cocoa content according to your information. The manufacturer is the same.
Dear guest
Thank you for your interest in our product.
M-Classic stands for tried and tested everyday products with the best price-performance ratio. It is certainly not comparable in terms of quality with an extra-fine milk chocolate bar from the premium brand Chocolat Frey, which is also somewhat more expensive in comparison. The recipe and the ingredients (or rather the quantities of the individual ingredients) differ greatly. All products in the M-Classic line have uniform packaging designs, which also reduces the cost of packaging design. Of course, we would like to pass this on to our customers.
We hope we have helped you with this information and wish you a pleasant autumn evening. your M-Infoline Team
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I have noticed for some time that the quality of Migros chocolate has generally deteriorated. They can no longer be stored. After a relatively short time, the taste changes for the worse. Even the Mahony, which I actually thought couldn't be bad, becomes almost inedible. I also suspect inferior raw materials (fats...!?).
Hello guest
Can you give us the M-Data's and the LOT number? That way the specialist department knows which production facility your chocolate comes from.
It would also be important to know how you store the bars.
Best regards
Your M-Infoline Team
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This chocolate just doesn't taste as good as it used to.
It scratches my throat like American chocolate.
Probably poorer raw materials, but the price has remained the same.
Hello guest
Thank you for your observation, which we have passed on to the specialist department. So far we have not received any similar reactions and we can assure you that nothing has been changed in the recipe.
As chocolate is made from natural raw materials, variations are possible. The difference you perceive may be due to these variations, but the taste may also change during storage. Under no circumstances have inferior raw materials been used - on the contrary. Chocolat Frey, the producer of this chocolate, has set itself the goal of sourcing over 50% of our total cocoa requirements from UTZ-certified cultivation by the end of 2013. UTZ CERTIFIED is a global certification program that sets sustainable standards for the cultivation and production of raw materials. The UTZ cocoa beans come from traceable sources and the farmers receive a better price for their harvest.
If you would like to send us the bar including packaging for inspection, you can send it to the following address. Please include your name and address:
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How can the price increase be explained? At least 25% was added here. At the same time, however, price reductions are being communicated.
Hello h0nd
Thank you for your contribution. The chocolate has not become more expensive, on the contrary. It has gone from CHF 1.60 to CHF 1.55.
How did you arrive at the 25% price increase?
Best regards
Your M-Infoline team
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