With the neighbors and yesterday at the family table: what Migros intends to do with the Ittigen store. We've noticed for months that the range is constantly being thinned out. There used to be more gourmet foods, for example we enjoyed quail eggs a few times, or the Amarello tart or plum juice, or cedar kernels, better risotto selection (not just noname varieties), disposable zin in bags (ideal for taking away, the new ones from Ovo have to be laboriously opened with a pocket knife). The list can be extended in many categories, if not all. In addition, the fruit and vegetable range has been greatly reduced and there is generally a smaller selection in the same store. So that it is not noticeable, the racks are filled with products that last as long as possible in several rows. There are also more and more empty racks, sometimes it takes a very long time for something to be restocked. We have a direct comparison with two other Migros stores in other regions, where these observations cannot be made.
We never went to the Coop or Aldi to complete our shopping list 10 years ago, but now we go to these stores about as often as to Migros. For me as a Migros child (my father had a lot to do with the Migros head office in business) this is a huge disappointment and a betrayal of the Migros idea. I already realized 15 years ago that Migros was going astray, but now "the baby is being thrown out with the bathwater".