What does Tuca have to do with the rainforest?

Was hat Tuca mit dem Regenwald zu tun?

2 years ago


Hello Community I tried the Coke Zero from Tuca today. Only because it says "Save the rainforest" on it. Otherwise I would have gone for the red classic. The drink has an extreme aspartame taste. It is also a little sweet. It's not my taste. But apart from that... I didn't see what the rainforest logo was actually for on the bottle. I then tried to find out on the internet what a sip from a Tuca bottle can "save" in the rainforest. I just couldn't find anything that would make an obvious connection. And Google usually knows everything. What exactly is the "Save the rainforest" logo all about? The rainforest probably didn't contribute much to the production of the Coke or Himbo variants. Or has it?
