Hello jamue, thank you for your inquiry. I was happy to enquire with the specialist department about the whereabouts of the chewing gum. This process took a while. I hope you'll forgive me for the wait in view of the great news I have for you 😊. The products will be returning to our shelves soon. I can't reveal any more yet - you can look forward to it! Best regards, Tabea
Hello jamue, thank you for your inquiry. I was happy to enquire with the specialist department about the whereabouts of the chewing gum. This process took a while. I hope you'll forgive me for the wait in view of the great news I have for you 😊. The products will be returning to our shelves soon. I can't reveal any more yet - you can look forward to it! Best regards, Tabea
Then I'm excited! :) Thank you very much for clarifying...