Why can't I find this product in the reviews? What have they done to it, it doesn't taste the same at all? The content also seems to be less.
Why can't I find this product in the reviews? What have they done to it, it doesn't taste the same at all? The content also seems to be less.
Hello munggizzi, thank you for your inquiry. I'm sorry that you can't rate the product and that you didn't like it. I would be happy to find out from the relevant specialist department whether there have been any adjustments. As we only offer lassi in a few cooperatives, please let me know where you buy it. It would also be helpful for me to know the best-before date and the batch number (a combination of numbers and letters), if available. Kind regards, Tabea
Hello munggizzi, thank you for your inquiry. I'm sorry that you can't rate the product and that you didn't like it. I would be happy to find out from the relevant specialist department whether there have been any adjustments. As we only offer lassi in a few cooperatives, please let me know where you buy it. It would also be helpful for me to know the best-before date and the batch number (a combination of numbers and letters), if available. Kind regards, Tabea
Thank you very much for your answer. Unfortunately, I no longer have the lassi cup. I bought it in the store in Kloten.
Thank you very much for your answer. Unfortunately, I no longer have the lassi cup. I bought it in the store in Kloten.
Hello munggizzi, unfortunately we can't make any clarifications. If you find it in the store again, please at least let us know the item number. You can also complain about unsatisfactory products at any time on site and then get a replacement or your money back. Best regards, Sina
Migros can't even find its own items in the system? 😳 It's logical that the customer has already disposed of the packaging.
Migros can't even find its own items in the system? 😳 It's logical that the customer has already disposed of the packaging.
I couldn't find the product on migros.ch either. Like many other items, it has probably been removed from the range. @M-Infoline Based on the title of this thread, you can assume that it is this Migros Sélection product: https://www.foodrepo.org/de/products/12982 (photo comes from this page)
I couldn't find the product on migros.ch either. Like many other items, it has probably been removed from the range. @M-Infoline Based on the title of this thread, you can assume that it is this Migros Sélection product: https://www.foodrepo.org/de/products/12982 (photo comes from this page)
Hello Nachtspalter and hello to everyone else, yes, I obviously had tomatoes on my eyes yesterday. I overlooked the word Sélection. I have now found the article and can basically say that it contains the same amount as before - 250 ml. As this is a regional article, it cannot be found on Migipedia or migros.ch. I have to say that this is unfortunately not (yet) handled uniformly. Some regional articles are online, others are not. Regarding "Migros can't even find its own articles in the system": as you can imagine, the database contains a huge number of products. After all, it contains all current products as well as discontinued ones. So if I just search with "Lassi Mango", I get 14 hits. Without further information, it's impossible to find the item I'm looking for - yes, admittedly, with the word Sélection, which I overlooked, it was easy. But please indulge us if we need as much information as possible in order to be able to make well-founded clarifications. Otherwise we can only give you standard phrases and that serves neither you nor the improvement of our service and our products. With this in mind, can munggizzi tell us whether the deviation was a one-off or when the change in taste became noticeable and how exactly the lassi tasted different? With all this information, we will then ask the manufacturer whether there was a change to the recipe and, if not, why the taste was as it was. best regards, Sina