Please keep in your assortment: M-Classic Piquant Dressing without oil
Bitte im Sortiment behalten: M-Classic Pikant Dressing ohne Öl
Dear Migros product range managers With this letter, I would like to implore you to reverse the decision to remove the M-Classic Pikant dressing without oil from the range. Because with this dressing, an M-Classic product is disappearing for which - unlike so many other products in the Migros range - there is no equivalent, even far beyond national borders. Pikant Dressing without oil has been in the range since at least the 1990s. It was included in the GU-Klevers Compass Calories & Fats and in the FatSecret app because it was outstanding and unique in several respects. Completely oil-free and, in recent years, even suitable for vegans, this dressing had an exquisite taste that enhanced a wide range of dishes: Pikant Dressing went just as well with poultry, potato, pasta and grain salads, hard-boiled eggs or seafood as it did with green salad, carrot, radish, celery, corn or cabbage salad, among others. The consistency of this dressing was also extremely beneficial, as it could be used on its own or in combination with other salad dressings, dip sauces or dairy products. The nutritional values of this dressing were also unbeatable; there has never been a salad dressing with fewer calories that does not contain various modified starches and/or sweeteners. The Pikant Dressing without oil also had a long shelf life and a "spoiling effect" was unlikely, not least because of the wide range of possible uses. I sincerely hope that this incomparable M-Classic product will return to the shelves this month and take its rightful place in the Migros range. Reading that this is not just my request, but also that of a sufficiently large and loyal circle of enthusiasts, in my opinion, has encouraged me to put it forward again. I would like to thank in advance anyone who agrees with this request for the return of Pikant Dressing and those responsible for the range for their support. Kind regards Maripac