On foot in the store as a person who is a little gwagglige on his feet
Zu Fuss in der Verkaufsstelle als auf den Füssen ein wenig gwagglige Person
I think I speak on behalf of all people with walking disabilities and older people who are perhaps a little unsteady on their feet if you were to introduce a general ban on rollerblades, scooters and pedal scooters of any kind in your stores. It's often tiring enough having to dodge the children with the mini shopping trolleys (of course, Migos must have them to be competitive).
For those of us with walking disabilities, shopping turns into a real gauntlet if you have to dodge them and is very stressful for someone who is no longer good on their feet. And the shopping experience is unfortunately a negative one. However, in order to implement and enforce the ban effectively, attention would also have to be drawn to the ban on the outside of the sales outlets. Thank you for considering our concerns.