We make kings

Wir machen Könige

What does the crowned head get to do in your house?Eat all the rest of the Epiphany cake? Stay up an extra hour all week? Tell us what the queen or king is allowed to do in your home. Click on the answer button at the bottom right and tell us in your comment what your Epiphany custom is. We're excited! Win one of 20 Migros gift cards worth 50 francs each. Your answer automatically enters you into the prize draw. The closing date for entries is January 11, 2021, after which the winners will be drawn at random and notified by us in writing by mid-January. The competition is organized by the Federation of Migros Cooperatives.The cake makes the kingEpiphany cake with raisinsOrganic Epiphany cake with raisinsEpiphany cake with chocolate The following applies to all Epiphany cakes: while stocks last.

All replies (2274)

The queen's only privilege is to wear the crown 😂

The person with the lucky charm gets to choose the lunch.

A chore-free day 😊

He or she is king or queen and can give orders to everyone until the next galette and the next king, but must wear the crown.

Whoever finds the king gets to determine the program for the rest of the day - in the delicious Epiphany cake from Migros, of course

For one day, the king or queen has all the rights!!! 👸🏼🤴🏻🎉 He/she can ask anything and the rest of the family must comply!!! 😁👏🏻 Always in a benevolent spirit and within reason of course! 😂😂

Here, the king or queen gets to choose an activity of his or her choice, which we'll do on a Saturday or Sunday in the following weeks.

With us, the king is allowed to rule the whole day as a good king should.

Put on the crown and choose the next meal!

Two days ago, we ate our first Migros-bought pancake for breakfast (chocolate, because the little prince doesn't like raisins!) and it was our little prince who became the king of the day. He wore his crown proudly all day, and we spoiled him a little more than usual. The little prince has a suggestion for improvement at Migros. He'd like them to have pretty porcelain beans instead of plastic ones!