Boletus mushrooms packed

Steinpilze verpackt

5 years ago

We started packing the fresh porcini mushrooms last year. The result: a lot of packaging waste, but above all a lot of porcini mushrooms that are not in order. Unfortunately, you can't see every single mushroom in the packet. I was in Jelmoli Zurich today and found open porcini mushrooms there. Cheaper than in Migros and beautifully sliced in super quality! You can buy them individually. They were so delicious :-D Since Migros started packing the porcini mushrooms, I can't buy any more. Every time I see some that are not in order. And even if everything seems fine, there's always a piece at home that's no longer edible. Why aren't they open anymore? You can pick and choose and in the end the poor quality goods are simply left lying around ;-) This may work for chamignons, other varieties can also be packaged, but not such delicate, sensitive porcini mushrooms!!!!
