Hello Migipedia Team
This week I was shocked to discover that most pâtisserie and crème desserts contain edible gelatine.
I am convinced that it is not only me (vegetarians) who find it disgusting that desserts contain unappetizing parts of animals (skin, tendons, ligaments, bones).
I am aware that edible gelatine has been an issue on several occasions. Nevertheless, I have not yet found an answer as to why alternatives (e.g. agar agar, pectins) are not used. The many vegetarian dessert recipes prove that taste does not have to be neglected. For this reason, I assume that it is mainly for cost reasons.
It is a pity that Migros, an otherwise exemplary company, does not seem to see any need for action when it comes to gelatine.
In future, I will pay even closer attention to the ingredients of all products (desserts, sauces, etc.) and will no longer buy "gelatine products".
Best regards