Assortment in the stores

Sortiment in den Filialen

3 years ago

Hello everyone. On the subject already discussed, here's an example of, let's say, a particularly idiosyncratic product range design. The same bacon presented in five rows, plus three rows of M-Budget, i.e. bacon times eight (I'll leave out the presumed demand for bacon among the population here). But the mortadella you're actually looking for, of which Migros would generally stock several varieties? It's not on offer here! The coppa from Rapelli? No chance! The popular smoked trout fillets? You'll search in vain. It can't be the lack of space, as Figura shows (I had to take a photo because nobody else would believe me). There are even more examples like this in the same store. For example, Polli's oil-pickled peppers and eggplants, which I also love, are missing from the shelves. Instead, I can choose between four varieties of artichokes pickled in oil and four varieties of dried tomatoes pickled in oil, plus one variety of each in a bag in addition to the jars. This type of product range would probably be described as "meeting the needs of customers". However, I belong to the latter group less and less, because all I can do is sigh and shake my head and turn my attention to the neighboring Coop store. Why don't I speak directly to the store management (Ostermundigen Post, by the way)? Because it would make me feel like I was trying to explain percentages to an accountant. That shouldn't be the customer's job! What's more, similar problems are likely to be encountered in one branch or another, which means that Migros Aare should not be indifferent to the problem - because in my view it is a problem.
