Quick soups for a quick meal

Schnelle Suppen für die schnelle Mahlzeit


12 years ago

As I have a soup in between meals in the evening. I like the quick preparation with a kettle such as > KNORR Die Schnelle Feine Knoblauch-Rahm Suppe for 2 plates Preparation: Bring 1/2 liter of water to the boil. Remove the pan from the heat.
Stir in the contents of the sachet with a whisk. Leave to stand for 1/2 minute, stir - DONE!

Unfortunately, these soups are not available in Switzerland, only the "bland" Quick Soup's that are too small

(e.g. available in Austria: KNORR Die Schnelle Feine Broccolicreme Suppe, Knoblauch-Rahm Suppe, Spargelcreme Suppe and Tomantencreme Suppe

As I take a soup in between meals in the evening. I like the quick preparation with a kettle such as > KNORR Die Schnelle Feine Knoblauch-Rahm Suppe for 2 plates Preparation: Bring 1/2 liter of water to the boil. Remove the pan from the heat.
Stir in the contents of the sachet with a whisk. Leave to stand for 1/2 minute, stir - DONE!

Unfortunately, these soups are not available in Switzerland, only the "bland" Quick Soup's that are too small

(e.g. available in Austria: KNORR Die Schnelle Feine Broccolicreme Suppe, Knoblauch-Rahm Suppe, Spargelcreme Suppe and Tomantencreme Suppe

Conclusion: Delicious and quick, 2 plates are almost too much, 1 plate too little an in-between thing or 2 plates would be great if they were also available in Migros.
