I have read that Pepsi is now being bottled by Feldschlösschen for the Swiss market. Is that true? Is this why Pepsi products are gradually being phased out of the range? Like Pepsi Caffeine Free, for example?
I have read that Pepsi is now being bottled by Feldschlösschen for the Swiss market. Is that true? Is this why Pepsi products are gradually being phased out of the range? Like Pepsi Caffeine Free, for example?
3 years ago
Read at Pepsi Max Caffeine free: Due to the rather low demand, we have decided to offer the product only in selected stores. Nanu, if Pepsi is now bottled in Rhäzüns, a very good Bündner (mineral) water comes in the bottles 😌
3 years ago
But I also thought that after Passaia, the last hour for Pepsi, Orangina and 7up might soon have come. Pepsi is now also available at Coop... I wouldn't be surprised if they marginalized these drinks too, only to kick them out due to (oh wonder!) a drop in demand and bring some overpriced trend brands into the range instead. Of course, they will then also be sugary to the point of being impossible, because the other text modules (less sugar) cannot be used for trend products. Let's see if I'm at least partly right with this vague prediction of the future.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Read at Pepsi Max Caffeine free: Due to the rather low demand, we have decided to offer the product only in selected stores. Nanu, if Pepsi is now bottled in Rhäzüns, a very good Bündner (mineral) water comes in the bottles 😌
Exactly, unfortunately I haven't found a video with the advertisement from back then. "Rhäzünser is gsünser" That's what it's for. https://youtu.be/UDdm5bpKYaM
3 years ago
3 years ago
Exactly, unfortunately I haven't found a video with the advertisement from back then. "Rhäzünser is gsünser" That's what it's for. https://youtu.be/UDdm5bpKYaM
Yes, the person was a TV technician who worked in the TV/radio store on Poststrasse. Next to it was the beer hall. I think it was/is Bernhard.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Exactly, unfortunately I haven't found a video with the advertisement from back then. "Rhäzünser is gsünser" That's what it's for. https://youtu.be/UDdm5bpKYaM
Rhäzünser isch gsünser. advertisements from 1996: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEtFkI5zcxY
3 years ago
3 years ago
Yes, the person was a TV technician who worked in the TV/radio store on Poststrasse. Next to it was the beer hall. I think it was/is Bernhard.
Thank you, that's exactly how it is now that Bernhard with the "Redi-Vogel" is no longer there, like so many other things, everything "changes" and now it's not always for the best. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rolirosenberg.ch%2Fimages%2FSchweizerische%2520Volksbank%2520Zuerich%2FLogo%2520SVB.jpg&f=1&nofb=1
2 years ago
3 years ago
But I also thought that after Passaia, the last hour for Pepsi, Orangina and 7up might soon have come. Pepsi is now also available at Coop... I wouldn't be surprised if they marginalized these drinks too, only to kick them out due to (oh wonder!) a drop in demand and bring some overpriced trend brands into the range instead. Of course, they will then also be sugary to the point of being impossible, because the other text modules (less sugar) cannot be used for trend products. Let's see if I'm at least partly right with this vague prediction of the future.
Meanwhile, even the large MMMs such as Limmatplatz or Löwenplatz, or in Bern at the train station, none of the three branches have Pepsi MAX in the refrigerated section. 😠 I don't think Pepsi MAX was bought less than many of the exotic drinks. And it can't be down to space either, many of these stores have huge areas with chilled drinks, but no more Pepsi at all. How much does Coca-Cola actually pay Migros so that Migros no longer offers us a selection from its competitor? Is this monopoly protection payment from the mighty Coca-Cola worth so much to Migros? Meanwhile, Migros only wants to maximize profits everywhere. Too bad, Migros was something special, but as a Migros-Chind I have now applied to Coop for adoption.
2 years ago
2 years ago
Meanwhile, even the large MMMs such as Limmatplatz or Löwenplatz, or in Bern at the train station, none of the three branches have Pepsi MAX in the refrigerated section. 😠 I don't think Pepsi MAX was bought less than many of the exotic drinks. And it can't be down to space either, many of these stores have huge areas with chilled drinks, but no more Pepsi at all. How much does Coca-Cola actually pay Migros so that Migros no longer offers us a selection from its competitor? Is this monopoly protection payment from the mighty Coca-Cola worth so much to Migros? Meanwhile, Migros only wants to maximize profits everywhere. Too bad, Migros was something special, but as a Migros-Chind I have now applied to Coop for adoption.
I think Pepsi has hardly done anything active on the market in recent years. Hardly any novelties, hardly any liqueurs. I'm grateful to have a sufficient selection of chilled drinks in small Migros stores. If I compare this with nearby countries, they are usually worse stocked... in the huge Carrefour in Mulhouse, for example, only Cocacola and Monster and Redbull... I think the margin is important to Migros at the moment, because many manufacturers' costs are exploding at the moment. The Migros industry produces a lot for Migros. Keeping the margin under control is important in order to survive. Important manufacturers like Hakle have already gone bankrupt... In my small Migros, however, more Pepsi has been added to the range since the drinks changeover.... they also have Pepsi Max in the chiller cabinet
2 years ago
2 years ago
I think Pepsi has hardly done anything active on the market in recent years. Hardly any novelties, hardly any liqueurs. I'm grateful to have a sufficient selection of chilled drinks in small Migros stores. If I compare this with nearby countries, they are usually worse stocked... in the huge Carrefour in Mulhouse, for example, only Cocacola and Monster and Redbull... I think the margin is important to Migros at the moment, because many manufacturers' costs are exploding at the moment. The Migros industry produces a lot for Migros. Keeping the margin under control is important in order to survive. Important manufacturers like Hakle have already gone bankrupt... In my small Migros, however, more Pepsi has been added to the range since the drinks changeover.... they also have Pepsi Max in the chiller cabinet
What has Coca-Cola done more than Pepsi? And why should they? There's a flood of experimental drinks at the moment, even in Migros. By the way, Vivi Cola is quite good, likeably local, but rarely chilled in the range. I have nothing against companies wanting to make a profit, but customers shouldn't be left out in the cold. And the fact that Coca-Cola pays Migros more for the listing in the chiller cabinet makes the Coca-Cola monopoly even more repulsive to me. But I find your reference to your small branch interesting! Does that mean that branches are allowed to decide for themselves what ends up in the chiller cabinet?