One million product reviews: THANK YOU!
Category: MigipediaTag: Moderator post
One million product reviews: THANK YOU!
At 7.48 pm on December 10, Migipedia user CP911 clicked on "Save rating" and sent us our millionth product review. That's insane! A milestone for the Migros community. Looking back over the past year, I'm really impressed by you: month after month, you submitted about 30,000 reviews. And almost every product review is an opportunity for us, whether to find out more about your preferences and tastes, about our products or how people use them.
Your product reviews improve our products
Every rating an opportunity? I reckon some of you are now frowning and don't believe what I say. However, it's a fact that we forward your product ratings to Migros product managers and employees at our industrial businesses every day in the form of an e-mail newsletter. Everyone only receives the reviews for the products for which they are responsible. We currently have about 450 recipients.
Has a new recipe changed your opinion about a product? Is a product outdated? If a number of you rate certain products as unsatisfactory in a given period, it goes without saying that we take note. Our product managers then decide which measures should be taken. Of course, we don't only make changes on the basis of product reviews. Sales figures and market developments such as trends are also taken into account.
Nevertheless, I would like to remind you that not every negative review causes a product to be modified, and that modifications always take a certain amount of time. Your star ratings primarily serve as a guide - for both our product managers and other customers. If we take a closer look at products, we also dive into what you've written about them, and evaluate the content of your messages. We're therefore extremely grateful for not only every single star you award, but also every line of text you leave us. ❤
In closing, I would like to say a huge Thank You once again to you, the Migros community. Thanks for every single product review, whether it's positive or negative. They are all valuable to us.
With kind regards, Philipp
2 replies
Last activity 5 months ago
Himmel Migros, bringt endlich mal Ordnung in dieses Chaos! Immer über das Wochenende werden zahlreiche Spam Beiträge verfasst. Diese werden gemeldet, geistern aber frisch und fröhlich noch hier rum!
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You might be wondering how important your reviews really are. The truth is, every rating is significant. We send daily e-mail updates to our product managers and industrial teams with the latest reviews for their specific products. We currently have about 450 recipients who review this feedback closely. Ford Benefits
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Hey Magnoliapower, vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Wie du weisst, sind wir nicht 24/7 im Forum online. Übers Wochenende haben wir einen stark reduzierten Pikettbetrieb und werden nur in dringenden Notfällen aktiv. Gemeldete Beiträge prüfen wir am Montagmorgen. Vielen Dank fürs Melden übers Wochenende!
Liebe Grüsse, Marc
Liebe Grüsse, Marc