Chocolate from Germany!?↵Who wants chocolate from Germany with M-Classic on it? Then please use the original products. So that you can recognize them immediately! 😤 Great, always looking in the small print.↵↵I'll go to Lidl/Aldi even more! It doesn't matter anyway.↵Excerpt from the↵Sonntagszeitung:↵↵.......↵The boss Armando Santacesaria, who took over in the summer, is not only streamlining costs, but also the in-house range, says a retailer expert. Migros stores are increasingly turning to producing only those products that generate attractive profits. The selection of products in the stores should not shrink. Migros is therefore buying cheaper goods from Switzerland and abroad, not just chocolate.↵ Santacesaria, who joined Migros from the US Kellogg Group, is also reorganizing structures. Chocolat Frex has been without a company manager for a year.......↵↵Will Migros now also be in a similar situation?↵↵