13 years ago
Anyone interested should join the facebook group "We want the Mohrenkopf cornets back!" as soon as possible!:)
mmmmhhh I loved them so much too...
I love the Cornets too. I don't love Facebook.
me neither :) I'm not even registered...
well, there's nothing you can do
ou soooo fine - zruggbringe!!!
In favor!
12 years ago
I'll join right away! I used to eat it every summer :-)
I don't have Facebook (anymore), but I hope that even without this group the wish for the fine Mohrenkopf cornets will be heard and that they will soon be back in the range...when I think about it, my mouth starts to water! ;o) *I love it*
Yes please back, that was the best ice cream ever!
I love the Cornets more than anything; but I REFUSE to sign up for Facebook.