Mixed pack of M-Classic chocolate sweets Mix

Mischpackung M-Classic Schoggibonbons Mix

13 years ago

Someone has probably already had this idea, but I haven't found the forum post.

I would like a box with small portions (praline format) of all Migros chocolate bars. So a mixed pack of small
-M-Classic Fruit Mix
-M-Classic Caramel Mix
-M-Classic Raisin Mx
-M-Classic Blox Biskizz
-M-Classic Blox Cocos
-M-Classic Blox Crunchy
-M-Classic Baretti

This would be a Migros version of the Celebrations pack http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celebrations. Example of a suitable name: M-Classic Choco Mini Mix

I think that would be really, really great!
