Migros Glattzentrum, Vermicelles cup

Migros Glattzentrum, Vermicelles-Becher

5 years ago


I was in the Migros Glattzentrum shortly before closing time yesterday evening. In the refrigerated rack where the Black Forest gateaux, other gateaux, Vermicelles tubs etc. are located, I noticed that all refrigerated confectionery with "for sale until 29.09.2019" dates were 25% or 50% off, only the Vermicelles tubs (with the same for sale/to be consumed date) were not reduced. This made me a little suspicious because 29.9. is a Sunday and the Glattzentrum is closed on Sundays (i.e. these Vermicelles cups are either thrown away after closing time or the employees "help themselves" to them). I kindly asked a Migros employee why all the cakes etc. were marked down, but not the Vermicelles cups, even though they all had the same "for sale until" date - namely tomorrow, Sunday. The answer was: they couldn't mark down the Vermicelles tubs because they were currently on promotion (-20%); if they were to mark down the Vermicelles tubs, the saving would be more than 70% and the computer wouldn't allow that...

Dear Migros, is that true?

As a Migros customer, I felt a little cheated at that moment... If this is really true, or if Migros is really doing this (only reducing the prices of those products that are not on promotion, even though they have today's or tomorrow's (Sunday) sale date), then I have to say that I can no longer take Migros seriously when it comes to their supposedly deafening statements against food waste. Instead of reducing the goods - whether on promotion or not - and offering them for sale to customers, they are simply thrown away if they are not sold. Or the employees do this on purpose (wouldn't be the first store where I've experienced this), just so that they can get hold of these products for free/at a reduced price... I very much doubt that the remaining 5-6 Vermicelles cups were all sold at the regular price 5 minutes before closing time yesterday evening - especially because all the Vermicelles cups were no longer nice to look at (the whipped cream was spread all over the lid instead of being nicely draped, etc.; I don't mind because I eat it myself and don't give it away or anything, true to the motto "it doesn't matter in your stomach anyway"). I've seen quite a few customers pick up these "chipped" Vermicelles cups and then put them back; nobody wanted to buy these "chipped" cups at the regular price, if they had been reduced, I'm sure they would have all been sold (I would have bought 3 or 4 of them)...

Making a contribution against food waste looks different... If this is really true (somehow I still can't believe it), then I have to say: An M incredibly impossible...
