Migipedia Outlook 2020 - vote, test and rate
Migipedia Ausblick 2020 – abstimmen, testen bewerten
5 years ago
Welcome to the new year. I hope you've had a good start. I would like to give you an overview of some Migipedia topics for the next few weeks. There should be something for each and every one of you.Votes:At the start of the year, it's one vote after another. You can vote on two "Crunchy Clouds" variants until the end of January. Crunchy Clouds Apple Strudel or Crunchy Clouds Gingerbread Spice - which of the two varieties should be on the Migros shelves from the fall? Shortly afterwards, we will launch a syrup poll. From February 23, 2020, find out which two other variants our Black Forest syrup creation will be competing against. And as a third vote, we will select the winners from your raclette ideas from the beginning of 2019 at the end of February. The same applies here - vote for your favorite version to go on the Migros shelf.Product tests:According to a survey at the end of the year, product tests are among the most popular Migipedia activities. In 2020 too, various new products from You, Chocolat Frey and Alnatura, for example, are waiting to be tested free of charge and then rated. One more thing on the subject of product tests. We regularly receive inquiries from interested product testers who have never been drawn, even though they regularly take part. I fully understand their disappointment. At the same time, I can assure you that the winners are drawn at random every time. We normally make 50 to 100 products available for product tests. On average, however, 15,000 people register. For chocolate tests, it can sometimes be around 30,000 people. I hope that these figures will make you feel a little better if you are one of the people who have never been drawn.Product and recipe reviews:Last year, an average of 550 product reviews were submitted per week. Around a third of the reviews from spring 2019 (year corrected, see discussion between Nachtspalter and myself below) were for products from melectronics, SportXX, Do it & Garden and Micasa. I find that very pleasing. By the way: Have you ever rated a recipe on Migusto or asked a question about a recipe? This has been possible since November last year and more and more people are making use of it. Enough looking back, let's look ahead. If everything goes according to plan, it should be around two months before all product reviews can be displayed in real time in the Migros app and also written there. We are also working on being able to offer you one or two crowdsourcing options again for 2020. However, as this is a little more complex, I can't tell you any more about it yet. I am also looking forward to continuing to discuss Migros, its products and services with my colleagues in the Migipedia forum. I wish you a great start, Philipp