My receipt, your receipt? What are you doing?

Mein Bon, dein Bon? Was soll das?!

11 years ago

My partner and I are long-standing members of the Migros cooperative and both have our own Cululus cards. Sometimes I pay, sometimes she does. Occasionally we get a double voucher for purchases over 100 and four times a year (or so) we receive the Cululus mail with more promotional vouchers (not the blue ones).
For some time now, Migros has taken the liberty of patronizing us and forbids me from redeeming a double voucher that my partner received when she made a purchase with her card and then gave to me because I didn't have any more in my wallet (or vice versa). It's the same with the promotional vouchers.

What is this harassment?!

Do I now always have to keep a 'record' of who is allowed to redeem which voucher? Or should I fill my already overflowing wallet with another Cumulus card? Or attach even more barcode stickers?

Please change this restriction. I don't want to have to be annoyed at the till on a regular basis.

Merci villmal and regards
