More sustainability and consideration for single households when it comes to meat
Mehr Nachhaltigkeit und RΓΌcksicht auf Singlehaushalte beim Fleisch
Why is there no individually packaged meat for singles, or when is it only organic? Chicken is only ever available in packs of at least two and cold cuts are always far too much in the pack. Here's my idea: ********************************************************************************* Install crossbars in the packaging (weld them in) so that you can open the pack from two sides and the meat stays fresh for longer. ********************************************************************************* There are many people who live alone, as well as many older people who no longer like to eat so much. As a result, half of the meat or other food often ends up in the bin. Personally, I hardly ever buy cold cuts because I know they will break because the packaging is too big and I don't like it if it has already been opened.