M Budget cottage cheese

M Budget Hüttenkäse

4 years ago

Last time I went shopping, I noticed that the 750 g cottage cheese tub is no longer in the range! Instead, the size with the quantity of 500 g. The only bitter aftertaste of this change can be found in the price... the 750 g tub cost 3.75 and the 500 g tub is now sold at 2.55 !!! Every Migros magazine announces in great detail how many price reductions have already taken place and how many more are to come.... of reduced packaging with corresponding price increases, this is kept quiet and not published! I wonder where these price reductions will be recouped! This is certainly not justified by more expensive packaging and bottling. Less packaging is needed (smaller cup) and the filling process remains the same. I feel like I'm being taken for a ride here and there (and sorry for that expression... fooled!) So keep your eyes open when shopping at Migros!
