GMO-free label?

Label sans OGM?

9 years ago


I'd like to encourage Migros to develop a "guaranteed GMO-free" label.
On some products, such as canned organic corn, the organic chain is briefly described, but it's not specified that it's GMO-free.
Doesn't that go without saying? Organic means GMO-free. Obvious.... not so much.
It seems to me that most of the food scandals that erupt are based on a contract of trust between producer and consumer that "goes without saying" (you don't put horse in beef lasagne....that goes without saying).
So personally, I apply a precautionary principle. But you have to eat, and I have to trust certain products.

Couldn't Migros put a little logo/label on all the products it can guarantee to be GMO-free? (A costly maneuver, I realize).
Or, better still, simply guarantee with a notice that all products and by-products in the organic range are strictly GMO-free?
Or a Migros application that allows you to get detailed information on any product by search or scan (expensive but implementable).

Thank you very much.
