Feedback on the current customer survey

Feedback zur aktuellen Kundenbefragung

12 years ago

Dear Migros

I was very pleased to be able to take part in a customer survey last Friday. Unfortunately, however, I had to realize
that the survey only asked about my satisfaction with the products. I scored 5 out of a possible 7 points for most of the questions.
Many questions that would have interested me much more were never asked. For example, I was not asked about the working conditions of the staff at Migros and the
suppliers abroad. I am a communist. The fact that a company offers its employees good working conditions is much more important to me than the price and quality
of the products. I would be prepared to pay significantly more if this would benefit the employees. Migros is better than many other companies in this respect
companies, but there is still room for improvement.
Another point that bothers me is the lack of democracy within Migros. Did you know that Migros belongs to the
the people, or more precisely the Migros cooperative members? Gottlieb Duttweiler wanted a democratic Migros. The members of the Migros Cooperatives, like the
Migros cooperative members have the right of initiative and referendum like the Swiss people and should be able to vote democratically on all important decisions (e.g. Denner takeover). In addition, every four years
democratic elections are held every four years. Unfortunately, Migros is increasingly restricting the democratic rights of its owners. The elections are canceled because Migros does not allow
candidates than there are seats available. A few years ago, a group called SORGIM tried to collect signatures for a candidacy. Unfortunately
failed to get the required number of signatures. Several thousand signatures are required, and the signatories also have to provide their cooperative number, which nobody normally carries with them.
nobody normally carries with them. At the moment, Migros is even less democratic than the GDR or the Soviet Union! Not good! Especially with today's technology, it would be easy
possible to vote online. It wouldn't cost much either. Duttweiler would be turning in his grave if he could see that Migros is a dictatorship today.
Another point that struck me in the survey is the lack of the answer option "local market". Vegetarians are also forced to rate the meat on offer.
to rate the meat on offer. I would have expected more sensitivity from the survey creators.
I am actually very dissatisfied with Migros at the moment. Overall, I would only give Migros 3/7 points.
