


7 years ago

Hello dear community

Something stupid "happened" to my best friend yesterday in a Migros store in Bern.

A little preliminary information: Her handbag, including her wallet, was stolen recently. So yesterday she was not in possession of her personal ID or postcard - so she had to rely on her cash to pay for her shopping.

Shortly before the checkout, she took the time to check again whether she had enough money to pay for everything. That's when she realized that she didn't have enough by about 50 centimes. Frustrated and without thinking twice, she put one of the two items (worth around CHF 3.50) she wanted to buy into her jacket and went to the checkout.

I have to add that she had never stolen anything in her life before (neither had I, by the way ;) ) and must have been more than stupid.
Of course, she was then immediately "caught" by a detective. Without hesitation, she admitted everything and apologized.

Of course, she is prepared to pay the fine of 150 francs and she also understands that her data can be stored internally at Migros for 5 years, but she cried for a good 2 hours with me yesterday because she was terribly worried about 2 questions that she didn't ask in her hectic and nervous state:

-She is currently a student and is currently applying for various part-time jobs. Some of them with the Migros Group. Are these "thief data" also visible to the HR people?

-She is studying social work and cannot afford any entries in her criminal record, can she expect to be reported?

Thank you very much for your answer :)

By the way, I realize that her behavior was not ok. She really only needed something for "Znacht" and her postcard and ID were stolen recently. Otherwise she would never have stolen anything - I'm sure of that!
