Had to choose a title. as paying with the app is all about the location of the payment stations. It's a lottery, because over a long period of time when paying, only every third one works at the first attempt. The system reports a line and a half during the payment process, which I can't reproduce exactly because no photo was taken, but in short: processing is canceled because it's not online. The same with TWINT, Mastercard or Postcard. Sometimes you're lucky and one works, but most of the time you have to cancel and select terminal payment and insert the card. Then it works, similarly with SubioGo. If you are in this zone, the payment cannot be completed. Move a few metres and the transaction works. Something in this zone must be causing the disruption, because payment works without any problems at SportXX or Micasa in the same building or other stores such as La Neuveville, Le Landeron or Marin Centre. Edit: Yesterday, 27.01.2022 at 13:52 was another situation like this 🙁