Hello glomar, thank you for your contribution. I have made enquiries and unfortunately the capsules have been removed from the range due to low demand. This is of course particularly unfortunate when it is a favorite product - as it is for your family. But as I said, not everyone liked it as much as you did - I completely understand your disappointment. I can't recommend a similar product to you, I'm sorry. Best regards, Brigitte
Hello talunga, please excuse the late response. Bodenseeknusperli is right. LeShop is a subsidiary of Migros. In addition to Migros products, you will also find many other branded items in the online store. You can find an overview of our online stores here: https://www.migros.ch/de/einkaufen/shops.html. Best regards, Tabea
4 years ago
Hello everyone, so if I've seen correctly, these are still available to order https://www.cafe-royal.com/de-ch/p/kapseln-dolce-gusto and various "royal capsules" of this variety have been/are being replaced in stores by the *original" Dolce Gusto capsules.