Open bread sale


5 years ago

In contrast to other Migipedia authors, I think a few types of bread from Migros are quite good (e.g. country bread, sourdough bread, castle bread). However, what has been bothering me for a few months now is the open sale of many types of bread. The loaves are simply left open on the shelves, hundreds of people stand in front of them or walk past and spread their viruses through their breath, sneezing, coughing and touching the loaves with their hands. I also dread packing my own bread with my hands, which seconds before were still on the handle of the shopping cart, which is also full of viruses. It would probably be much more hygienic if the bakers would pack the bread back into the bread bags. Hopefully they have to follow certain hygiene regulations. However, when I asked a baker there about this, he said that the bread was easier to sell since it was lying there open. Well, I don't know. And then there are the bread bags. Why do they have to be lined with plastic? Couldn't you just use paper bags that can then be disposed of with the waste paper? Lately I've been buying more bread from the bakery in the village again and that works. It would be even better if I could pack open sandwiches in a bread bag that I bring with me (as I do with fruit and vegetables). Then I wouldn't need any more disposable packaging. These are a few thoughts from me on Migros' sustainability promises.
