Activity stream, notifications and the like are annoying and no longer great
Aktivitäten stream, Benachrichtigungen und Co das nervt, bzw ist nicht mehr toll
10 years ago
Hello everyone, I am very disappointed with the new activities stream because you can only see the last six or eight comments/ideas. In the past (on the old site), when you clicked on all the activities, you could simply scroll down to see what had been written all day or from the days before (depending on how long you had the patience and desire to do so) and scroll through the topics that people were interested in or what they had just tested and found to be good or not so good. I could scroll through this stream for ages and pick out the topics/products that interested me, either just read them or comment on them straight away, etc. Or even if I had already discussed something somewhere, I could just see when someone else had made a comment. Now the whole thing is so difficult or I have trouble finding the posts again where I have already noted something. And I also think that a lot of things slip through the cracks where I would like to have a say or a product that I have not yet discovered myself etc.. That's a reason for me to lurk around here a lot less because it's just so tedious and not so much fun anymore.
Regarding the notifications, I have to say that I always receive one when someone has given me a Like. That's basically ok, but I'd also like to receive one when someone replies to a product I've rated or when something has been written in a post (where I'm also involved in the discussion). With the latter, you can subscribe to some of them and not others. Sometimes I think it's annoying that I get a message every time I like something. But when someone replies to a product idea. Or you ask a question directly at M-Infoline, don't receive an info mail and then have to remember everything where you asked and have to laboriously search again. Is there really still room for improvement?
What I find a very pleasant thing is the private message function, I have already made use of it twice and it works great ?
Lg Luna