Hello I recently bought a new Storybox from the MigrosOutlet. Apparently I have to register it with a program or download the sounds for the figures. But somehow I can't get to this program. Can anyone help me?
Hello I recently bought a new Storybox from the MigrosOutlet. Apparently I have to register it with a program or download the sounds for the figures. But somehow I can't get to this program. Can anyone help me?
9 months ago
As an addendum: The instructions say that you have to go via the link migros.ch/storybox. However, this link is no longer available.
9 months ago
9 months ago
As an addendum: The instructions say that you have to go via the link migros.ch/storybox. However, this link is no longer available.
Hey DreEva, thanks for the question. The radio plays are now available again. You can find them at Famigros under the following link: https://famigros.migros.ch/de/kinder-und-jugendliche/medien/hoerspiele-podcast In the section "Stories from the Coloria world" you will find the download link, which you can use to download the entire collection of radio plays. We hope you enjoy listening to them and wish you all the best,
9 months ago
9 months ago
Hey DreEva, thanks for the question. The radio plays are now available again. You can find them at Famigros under the following link: https://famigros.migros.ch/de/kinder-und-jugendliche/medien/hoerspiele-podcast In the section "Stories from the Coloria world" you will find the download link, which you can use to download the entire collection of radio plays. We hope you enjoy listening to them and wish you all the best,
Many thanks dear Marc !!! :-)
9 months ago
9 months ago
Hey DreEva, thanks for the question. The radio plays are now available again. You can find them at Famigros under the following link: https://famigros.migros.ch/de/kinder-und-jugendliche/medien/hoerspiele-podcast In the section "Stories from the Coloria world" you will find the download link, which you can use to download the entire collection of radio plays. We hope you enjoy listening to them and wish you all the best,
Hi Marc I have now downloaded the audio plays and loaded them onto the Storybox (simply 'dragged' them over on the PC). But when I put the figures on it, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong/have I forgotten something?
9 months ago
9 months ago
Hi Marc I have now downloaded the audio plays and loaded them onto the Storybox (simply 'dragged' them over on the PC). But when I put the figures on it, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong/have I forgotten something?
Hoi DreaEva Since the Storybox has not been sold regularly for some time, this information is not so easy to find out. I ask for a little patience :) The instructions for use were not included, is that correct? Best regards, Marc
8 months ago
9 months ago
Hoi DreaEva Since the Storybox has not been sold regularly for some time, this information is not so easy to find out. I ask for a little patience :) The instructions for use were not included, is that correct? Best regards, Marc
Hi Marc Yes, there was an instruction manual, but the one with the old link on it migros.ch/storybox
8 months ago
9 months ago
Hi Marc I have now downloaded the audio plays and loaded them onto the Storybox (simply 'dragged' them over on the PC). But when I put the figures on it, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong/have I forgotten something?
Hi DreaEva, thank you very much for your patience! We contacted the specialist department again. We found out that you have to set the desired language in the installation program for the audio boxes before loading the audio plays onto the box. As soon as the language is set, you have to uninstall the current program on the box and reinstall it. You can also download the files (audio plays) from this link: https://famigros.migros.ch/de/kinder-und-jugendliche/medien/hoerspiele-podcast#storybox. We hope we can help you with our answer. Best regards, Lea
8 months ago
8 months ago
Hi DreaEva, thank you very much for your patience! We contacted the specialist department again. We found out that you have to set the desired language in the installation program for the audio boxes before loading the audio plays onto the box. As soon as the language is set, you have to uninstall the current program on the box and reinstall it. You can also download the files (audio plays) from this link: https://famigros.migros.ch/de/kinder-und-jugendliche/medien/hoerspiele-podcast#storybox. We hope we can help you with our answer. Best regards, Lea
Dear Lea Thank you very much for your answer. Unfortunately, this still doesn't help me, because I'm not looking for the audio plays, but for THE INSTALLATION PROGRAM. So I repeat my original question: HOW DO I GET THIS INSTALLATION PROGRAM? And no, the program is not already on the box, it's empty (apart from the audio plays, which are now on it BUT CAN'T BE PLAYED). Otherwise I will return this box and expect a return without a receipt, because the box is not usable for me and I don't know how everyone else feels who bought this box in the recent Migros Outlet promotion and doesn't have this program either..... ?!!
8 months ago
8 months ago
Almost a month in clarification...
Hi DreaEva. We assume that your Storybox is defective. You are welcome to contact us at migros-helpline@migros.ch with your home address so that we can replace your Storybox if necessary. Best regards, Fabian
8 months ago
8 months ago
Almost a month in clarification...
And if you count Migros and all its products (not including digitec), there must be over 100,000... plus many products change. Giving information so quickly everywhere is not so easy, because the Migipedia moderators also have to ask for the information first. 1 month is of course not so great, but sometimes the clarification is like that... above all it is an outlet product...