Where are Light and Légère?

Wo bleiben Light und Légère?

4 years ago


Sugar substitutes are no longer in because they are probably unhealthy. And fat doesn't make you fat, it makes you full. The hip thing now is to avoid carbohydrates and therefore high protein. In short: for anyone who has to watch their weight, it's a real headache. A dessert with few calories? Grated cheese on a vegetable gratin with little fat? Low-calorie muesli for breakfast (see Wellness Crisps discussion) is hardly available in Migros any more. Instead, high protein yogurt, which is rich in protein even if it doesn't say high protein, as it is made from milk. Or muesli with the same label and lots of sugar on top. Dear Migros, help the line-conscious back to products that they can indulge in from time to time. Please at least put the Légère grated cheese back on the shelves! Thank you!!!
