Recyclable fruit and vegetable bags - Tare weight
Wiederverwertbare Früchte- und Gemüsebeutel - Tara-Gewicht
I think the reusable fruit and vegetable bags (VeggieBag) are a great thing. But there's a catch. One bag weighs 7 g (it says so on every bag), four bags cost CHF 6.50 in Migros, which means that one bag costs me over CHF 1.60 (totally exorbitant in my opinion). If I now pack my vegetables in such a bag and put it on the scales, I cannot deduct the weight of the bag on the scales, which means that the 7 g of the bag are added to the price of the vegetables each time. I recently did the test with potatoes: price per kilo of potatoes - CHF 1.80. I had 1.333 kg of potatoes cost CHF 2.40 without the bag, weighed with the bag it was CHF 2.45. For potatoes it was now 5 centimes. But if I put artichokes, peperoncini or even porcini mushrooms on the scales, it adds up quite a bit. When I asked the nice employee at Migros whether she thought this was right, she said: "There was an internal discussion about it, but they came to the conclusion that they weren't going to do anything about it, and the customers don't say anything about it either, they're the first." Hellooooo???? I should just put the vegetables on the scales without the bag and only put them in the bag after weighing them. Yes, of course, that's what I do. It's just very inconvenient, for example with small potatoes or carrots, but I'm simply not prepared to pay for the bag, which is totally overpriced anyway, a second time with the respective vegetable price every time I use it. 5 cents for the potatoes, but with peperoncini it can quickly add up to 10 or 15 cents. But Migros earns a fortune from this.