Discount coupons not for Migros Eastern Switzerland?

Vorteilscoupons nicht für Migros Ostschweiz?

8 years ago


For some time now (I have already contacted customer service about this via the contact form, but without a reply) I have been wondering why I receive a discount coupon (e.g. 25x points) with almost every second purchase in the Zurich region, whereas I have NEVER received such a coupon when shopping in a Migros Ostschweiz branch (in my case Bauma or Wetzikon). As a regular Migros customer, I therefore feel a bit cheated by Migros Ostschweiz. I am particularly surprised that the advantage coupons received in the Zurich region are valid in the Aare, Basel, Geneva and Zurich cooperatives, whereas they cannot be redeemed in the Zurich Oberland region (as it belongs to Migros Eastern Switzerland). Can someone from Migros explain this to me in more detail?

