VEGGIE BAG / ECOLOGICAL / replaces plastic fruit and vegetable bags
VEGGIE BAG / ECOLOGIQUE / remplace les sacs en plastique fruits et légumes
Very good idea these VEGGIE BAG !!! I LIKE
They can be used for a long time and more than 6 times... Plus, in the same bag, I can add several fruits and vegetables together, there is enough space. Once I've used them, I put them back in my shopping bag for the next time.
Speaking of ecology, when I do my shopping, I unfortunately don't see anyone using them, or very rarely... Almost everyone uses plastic bags. And yet, it's not economical for the planet...
Maybe it's not the consumer's fault. Because these VEGGIE BAGs are hard to find. Why not make them more prominent, so that everyone can see them?
Compostable bags, on the other hand, are displayed alongside plastic bags for 5 cents. Once used, they're thrown away. Not very ecological!
Opt for VEGGIE BAGs and ulize them for as long as possible. That's ecological. Showing solidarity with the planet is the first step.....