Digital receipts

Tickets de caisse numériques

Dear Migros,

thanks to the Migros application, customers can consult their receipts directly on their phone or here, on the website. Would it be possible to give those who so wish the option of no longer having their receipt printed at the checkout (as is possible in the loyalty program of one of your competitors, which sometimes even its checkout staff are unaware of, by the way)? I almost always get my ticket back at the till and then throw it in the paper rather than the garbage can, but I'd prefer it not to be printed out any more.
Is there an option in the Cumulus account settings to receive the receipt only digitally, or to give the customer the choice at the checkout? For example, the employee at the checkout could ask the customer before printing it or not (as is the case in other competing chains).

Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Yasmina Dersi
