Sweet potatoes


A few weeks ago I was delighted when the sweet potatoes were available in Migros at a price of 3.60 Fr. The competitor price at Aldi Suisse was 2.99 Fr, which was fine for me. The Coop price was 4.90 (Fairtrade)... now I wanted to buy the open sweet potatoes this week and see the price of almost 8 francs again, even though they are not from the region. It may be that the larger Migros have packed 1kg (don't know the price), but why is Migros increasing the price of sweet potatoes from 3.60 to almost 8 francs? This week the sweet potatoes are on promotion at Aldi at a price of 1.99 francs, so it's no wonder that people are buying there at almost 1/4 the price of the Migros price... (shopping location Aargau Migros Aare region)
