This "problem" has existed for months now; unfortunately 1.) in all likelihood as an inexplicable exception, 2.) it drives maripac up the wall-:(-:( - hence now the
I would like to know whether other Migipedia users have already encountered this "problem" - and HOW it could be avoided.
The problem (appears) (to me) "only" on the start page - but there in about 6 out of 10 cases-:( After clicking on the "Show all activities" option, a certain number of posts appear, a page, so to speak, at the bottom end of which (by "scrolling down") is suddenly finished - "out of the mouse" in the truest sense of the word - and further scrolling down is simply not possible.
On all other pages (news, forum, etc.), as expected, a kind of "waiting symbol" appears and after a few seconds it is possible to (re-)read posts from a few days (or even further) ago.
Occasionally, this blockade "dissolves" after switching to News/ Forum, but mostly it remains with the now very limited 'start page view', so that this strange problem limits and impairs most visits to migipedia in several ways:(