"Home page problem"-:(


12 years ago

Unfortunately, I still don't like the "new" start page at all - and it would be interesting/important to hear whether and if so, to what extent other Migipedia users feel the same way. I can only write from my own experience, but I must clearly state that I visit Migipedia significantly less (gladly) and miss the clearer and more pleasant orientation of the previous version enormously. Istanbul has emphasized several crucial points more concisely and expertly than I could:


I find the following very unpleasant compared to the previous version

--the fact that the start page no longer works according to the "scroll" principle (i.e. as indicated here in the forum at the bottom of page displays 1,2,3..etc.), but (feels endless) "scrolling down".

--that it is much more "unclear" by whom and when (time) the respective post was written. post was written

--that so much "product information" (and product OVERVIEWS) is missing; I really appreciated the fact that, with the appropriate input, the whole range of pack sizes, flavors, and variants (e.g. strawberry yoghurts M-Budget, Léger, Bio, adR etc.) are displayed and at least) and, for me at least, the "intention to try out" was greatly encouraged (as the existence of some of the many products that are unfortunately "only" still available in MMM stores had simply been forgotten)

--that so many different things - which actually belonged in certain forum areas - were posted on the start page. Forum areas - and that some of it is quite far removed from any product commentary/review (some of it could just as well be placed in this Generation M thing).

--that the overview of the (number of) responses to a particular comment is also less clear than in the previous version. The fact that the overview of the (number of) replies to a particular comment is less clear compared to the previous version, "more comments on this product" requires clicks and 'searching' and I'm never sure myself where to place a "reply to reply" so that it is added to the intended pre-comment

--the notification in the sense of "Your post .... gives you something to talk about" only applies to a very limited extent and therefore seems strange (to me) [and somehow intrusive, in a way that is rather 'off-putting' :(, especially since there is usually hardly any connection to one's own comment].

as always, I am NOT interested in negative criticism; I simply realize how considerably the 'pleasure' of visiting (and staying) on the platform is impaired by the changed presentation and I would be really interested to know whether and if so WHERE other users might feel the same way. ONLY in the event of sufficient agreement in this respect would a kind of detailed survey (such as that presented in the newsletter, recently, for example, on the newsletter itself, on the "Vivai/Migros Magazine" etc.) seem sensible to me.

Yours sincerely, "maripac"
