Shampoo & care without SLS!

Shampoo & Pflege ohne SLS!!

Hello lovelies...'s me again... I have another request:

PLEASE, could you not introduce a shampoo (doesn't have to be your own brand, I don't care) that doesn't weigh the hair down, smells fresh(like after the hairdresser) and now it comes: without any sulfates/SLS/silicone etc.? For example: John Masters Organics. It smells rather organic (lavender, rosemary, etc.) but the contents are TOP and the scalp doesn't itch from all the additives.

I know I could just buy the one described but it costs just under 30 and it would make my life easier if Migros would expand its range (L'Oreal also has sulfate-free!!).
Thank you for "thinking about it" :)

