Selina Snack

Selina Snack

11 years ago

It's been a few months since the "Selina" cat sticks or snacks were no longer available at GBZ or throughout Migros. What a shame, because I was always able to reward my cats with these treats. The product met my requirements exactly, such as the form of presentation (sticks/shreds), the consistency (dry and moist, chewy) and the packaging in a stand-up pouch. Unique and therefore irreplaceable with the "little hearts" as a successor product, which my cats won't touch.
Ironically, the missing product can still be found on the Migipedia page for pet food. There, however, only as a photo.(
As a consequence of this streamlining of the product range, I now have to rely on products from competing companies. Not what a company would want either.
