Self-scanning control sample Migros ("Subito")

Selfscanning-Kontrolle Stichprobe Migros («Subito»)

Question: What happens if the sales assistant makes a mistake during the self-scanning random check, or if the device malfunctions and does not read the item correctly or is accidentally scanned twice? 1. Is the customer allowed to request a follow-up check after a self-scanning random check, where each product is scanned individually? 2. Where can the customer see if something has gone wrong? Is it written on the receipt whether everything went correctly during the random check? Or does the customer not find this out? 3. how does the customer find out whether he has slipped into a worse trust level, can he ask what his status is, and if so, where? At Coop, the random samples are shown on the receipt, including errors or OK. At Migros, customers are left in the dark.
